Table of Contents
1. What is a Letter of Support for a Canada Start-up Visa?
1.1 Overview
2. Designated Business Organizations (DBOs)
2.1 Categories of DBOs
2.2 Authorized Organizations for LOS issuance
3. Importance of a Letter Of Support (LOS) for the Canada SUV Program
4. How to Obtain a Letter of Support for Your Start-Up
4.1 Qualification Stage
4.2 Assistance and Guidance
5. Achieving Permanent Residence through the Start-Up Visa
5.1 Application Process
5.2 Program Criteria
6. Important Questions Asked in 2024 on Canada Letter of Support (LOS)
6.1 Purpose of a Letter of Support
6.2 Authority to Issue
6.3 Ideal Length
6.4 Issuers for Canada Startup Visa Program
6.5 Mandatory for Application
6.6 Multiple Entrepreneurs under the Same Commitment
6.7 Details Included in a Letter of Support
6.8 Contribution to the Visa Application Process
6.9 Importance for Permanent Residence
6.10 Obtaining a Letter of Support
6.11 Requirements for Presenting a Business Idea
6.12 Single Designated Organization for Multiple Co-applicants
7. Fast Global Migration Success Stories for Canadian Startups
7.1 Unparalleled Success Rate
7.2 Tailored Solutions
7.3 Proven Track Record
8. Conclusion


What is a letter of Support for a Canada Start-up Visa?

what is letter of support

The Start-Up Visa serves as a pathway to permanent residence, necessitating individuals to obtain a Letter of Support (LOS) from a designated business organization (DBO). Securing a Letter of Support for Canada start-up visa is the primary requirement to be considered for program admission. Entrepreneurs with groundbreaking ideas that have the potential to generate employment and contribute to economic growth use the Letter of Support to submit their application for Permanent Residence in Canada.


Designated Business Organizations

Designated business organisations (DBOs) are enterprises officially authorised by the Canadian government. There are three categories of DBOs: Venture Capital Funds (VCF), Business Incubators, and Angel Investor Groups (AIGs).

Any DBO can issue a Letter of Support, and the issuing organisation’s identity is irrelevant as long as it is government-authorised. As of November 2021, the following organisations exclusively have the authorization to issue Letters of Support under the Start-Up Visa Program:

1.Venture Capital Funds

Venture Capital Funds
7 Gate Ventures
Arete Pacific Tech Ventures (VCC) Corp
BCF Ventures
BDC Venture Capital
Celtic House Venture Partners
Extreme Venture Partners LLP
Golden Venture Partners Fund, LP
iNovia Capital Inc.
Intrinsic Venture Capital
Lumira Ventures
Nova Scotia Innovation Corporation (o/a Innovacorp)
PRIVEQ Capital Funds
Real Ventures
Red Leaf Capital Corp
Relay Ventures
ScaleUp Venture Partners, Inc.
Top Renergy Inc.
Vanedge Capital Limited Partnership
Version One Ventures
Westcap Management Ltd.
Yaletown Venture Partners Inc.
York Entrepreneurship Development Institute (YEDI) VC Fund

2.Angel Investor Groups

Angel Investor Groups
Canadian International Angel Investors
Ekagrata Inc.
Golden Triangle Angel Network
Keiretsu Forum Canada
Oak Mason Investments Inc.
Southeastern Ontario Angel Network
TenX Angel Investors Inc.
VANTEC Angel Network Inc.
York Angel Investors Inc.

3.Business Incubators

Business Incubators
Alacrity Foundation
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Agrivalue Processing Business Incubator
Food Processing Development Centre
Biomedical Commercialization Canada Inc. (Manitoba Technology Accelerator)
Brilliant Catalyst
Creative Destruction Lab
Empowered Startups Ltd.
Extreme Innovations
Genesis Centre
Highline BETA Inc.
Innovation Cluster – Peterborough and the Kawarthas
Innovation Factory
Interactive Niagara Media Cluster (Innovate Niagara)
Invest Ottawa
Knowledge Park (Planet Hatch)
LatAm Startups
Launch Academy – Vancouver
LaunchPad PEI Inc.
Millworks Centre for Entrepreneurship
NEXT Canada
North Forge East Ltd.
North Forge Technology Exchange
Pacific Technology Ventures
Platform Calgary
Pycap Inc (Pycap Venture Partners)
Real Investment Fund III L.P. (FounderFuel)
Ryerson Futures Inc.
Spark Commercialization and Innovation Centre
Spring Activator
The DMZ at Ryerson University
Toronto Business Development Centre (TBDC)
TSRV Canada Inc. (Techstars Canada)
University of Toronto Entrepreneurship Hatchery
Waterloo Accelerator Centre
York Entrepreneurship Development Institute

Why is a Letter Of Support (LOS) important For the Canada SUV Program?

A Letter of Support is a specialised document issued by one of the Canadian Designated Business Organizations (DBOs) authorised by the Canadian government to evaluate business proposals from foreign entrepreneurs seeking immigration under the Start-Up Visa Program.

This document furnishes entrepreneurs with an official assessment of their potential and offers pertinent details about endorsing Canadian business organisations. Essentially, it signifies a commitment from the investor to support the project, whether through investment or lending financially. An authorised DBO carries out the issuance of a Letter of Support.

How do I obtain a letter of support for my start-up?

For a foreign entrepreneur aspiring to secure a Letter of Support, it’s crucial to have an innovative idea for a start-up business with the potential for success. Most Designated Business Organizations (DBOs) typically seek well-developed concepts. However, if your project is still in the seed stage or exists as a preliminary idea, we’re here to guide you.

The application process for a Letter of Support involves a qualification stage, with specific requirements varying among DBOs. Our team can assist you in refining your concept, crafting a presentation or pitch, and developing a comprehensive explanation of your start-up concept and its market potential.

Our Start-Up business consultants are dedicated to helping you navigate the qualification process and connecting you with suitable investors. We guide you throughout, ensuring you successfully navigate interviews with angel investors and venture capital fund representatives or participate in business incubator programs. Additionally, we support developing a business plan and preparing all necessary paperwork for obtaining a Letter of Support.

Achieving Permanent Residence through the Start-Up Visa

Upon obtaining your Letter of Support, you can apply for permanent residence in Canada under the Start-Up Visa Program. The typical processing time for this application is approximately 12 to 14 months.

In addition to the Letter of Support, meeting the program’s criteria involves having a legitimate business, fulfilling the language requirements of CLB 5, and demonstrating sufficient settlement funds.


Important Questions Asked in 2024 on Canada Letter of Support (LOS)

1.What is the purpose of composing a letter of Support?

This document serves as a crucial endorsement for a research proposal, enhancing the credibility of a grant application in multiple ways. It offers a third-party testimonial that substantiates the applicant’s assertions and commitments.

2.Who has the authority to furnish a letter of Support?

Letters of Support for canada startup visa are generally authored by individuals or organisations external to your project, such as community leaders, experts, elected officials, or groups with a shared mission. These endorsements can enhance your credibility and increase the likelihood of success in securing funding or accomplishing other endeavours.

3.What is the ideal length for a letter of Support?

A well-crafted letter of Support is usually one or two pages in length. Unless specific circumstances dictate otherwise, it is generally advisable to stay within two pages.

4.Who issues Letters of Support for the Canada Startup Visa Program?

Designated organisations such as angel investor groups, venture capital funds, and business incubators issue Letters of Support for entrepreneurs participating in the Canada Startup Visa Program.

5.Is a Letter of Support mandatory for the Canada Startup Visa application?

A Letter of Support is mandatory for entrepreneurs applying for permanent residence under the Canada Startup Visa Program.

6.What essential details are typically included in a Letter of Support

for the Canada Startup Visa?

A Letter of Support includes:

  • Information about the supporting organisation.
  • The validity period of the Commitment Certificate.
  • Details about the applicant.
  • Information about the team members involved in the proposed business venture.

7.How does a Letter of Support contribute to the Startup Visa application process?

The Letter of Support is a beacon in the application process, signifying tangible investment and interest in the applicant’s business venture. It plays a crucial role in showcasing the viability and growth potential of the business idea.

8.Why is the LOS considering a crucial document for entrepreneurs seeking permanent residence?

The LOS is crucial because it provides evidence of a designated organisation’s genuine interest and investment in the entrepreneur’s business venture, strengthening the overall application for permanent residence.

9.How can entrepreneurs obtain a Letter of Support for their start-up visa application?

Entrepreneurs can obtain a Letter of Support by convincing a designated organization that their business idea merits endorsement. They should contact specific organizations and inquire about the process for presenting their business idea.

10.Are there specific requirements for presenting a business idea to designated organisations for the LOS?

Each designated organization may have unique requirements for presenting a business idea. Entrepreneurs should thoroughly research and understand the specific criteria of the selected organization they approach.

11.Can a single designated organization issue Letters of Support for multiple co-applicants in a business application?

Yes, a single designated organization can issue Letters of Support for multiple co-applicants in a business application under the Canada Startup Visa Program.


Fast Global Migration Success Stories for Canadian Startups:

Experience unparalleled success with Fast Global Migration’s Canada Startup, boasting a remarkable 100% success rate. Join over 5000+ individuals who have realised their dreams of entrepreneurship in Canada through our tailored solutions. Our proven track record exemplifies our commitment to ensuring a seamless and successful SUV application process. Trust Fast Global Migration to be your gateway to a thriving entrepreneurial journey in Canada, where success is promised and consistently delivered. Know More About Canada Start-up Visa from Government Website

One Response

  1. To whom may it concern,

    Hello, my name is Wontae Kim who is CTO in RPICon.
    We are interested in Canada startup visa program for expand the business.
    I want to talk about having LOS for that?
    Please check below. Thank you.


    â–  About RPICon
    RPCon is a Korean-based startup that develops innovative AI and RPA(Robotic Process Automation) integrated solutions for the Human Resources(HR) and IT security industry. We have successfully deployed our solutions to large Korean enterprises, Korean Army and so on. We are now seeking to expand our global footprint. The revenue was over than $1,000,000 in 2023.
    Our flagship product is a cutting-edge AI chatbot and RPA integrated solution that goes beyond providing information to automate HR tasks. This solution significantly improves HR efficiency and productivity by streamlining processes and reducing manual workloads.
    Our long-term vision is to convert Human Resources into AI Resources based on AI and DT technology. We expect this vision will be a breakthrough in the supply of knowledge workers suffering from constant workforce shortages.

    â–  Canada Expansion Plan
    We believe that Canada is an ideal location for our next phase of growth due to its:
    – Thriving AI ecosystem
    – Strong research and development capabilities
    – Access to a highly skilled talent pool.

    We plan to establish a headquarters and R&D center in Canada to:
    – Access the Canadian AI ecosystem and collaborate with leading universities and research institutions
    – Develop and commercialize new AI-powered HR solutions
    – Expand our global market reach.

    â–  Investment Opportunity
    We are seeking investment from Canadian VC/Incubators to support our Canada expansion plan. The investment will be used to:
    – Fund R&D and product development
    – Expand our sales and marketing team
    – Establish our Canadian headquarters and R&D center.
    We believe that our strong track record, innovative technology, and experienced team make us an attractive investment opportunity. We are confident that we can deliver significant returns to our investors and contribute to the Canadian AI ecosystem.

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